Maestro WINEMAKING EQUIPMENT KIT BSG K6PET Homebrewing Starter Kit with 6 Gallon PET Carboy for 5-6 Gallon Ingredient Box Kits
Everything you need to get started brewing wine kits at home except the juice, additives and bottles! Having the right equipment makes the homebrewing process fun and easy! This is BSG’s version of the ‘complete’ wine making kit in the 5-6 gallon batch size. This is a starter kit and it will form the base of your home winery. You can upgrade and add to this kit as you go along. One of your first additional purchases will be additional airlocks and if you are in store take a look at our selection of fermenters. You can buy this kit along with an Island Mist wine kit and have wine in as little as 4 weeks!
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