This book is full of helpful information for the beginning winemaker. When folks come to my homebrew store and ask “How DO you make wine, anyway?”, most of the information I tell them came from this book. Introduces the equipment and the process from start to finish with pictures to help you along your journey to making great wine. Also included are popular recipes and a Wine Log you can copy that will help you keep track of the steps of your wine. The log alone is worth the price of the book!
Tens of thousands of home winemakers both in our country and abroad attest to the fact that winemaking is fun and easy to do. Winemaking is legal in the United States. You can legally make up to 200 gallons per year without registering with any govt agency or paying any tax.
A good beginner’s text on equipment, recipes and most importantly techniques. The basic process of home winemakng is described. The Chapters: Basic equipment; Additives; Sugar and the hydrometer; Hydrometer readings; Acid testing; Working with your wine; Ingredients; General directions for making wine; Conversion tablels; Receipes, fruit; Recipes, grape; Aging and bottling; Sparkling wines; Evaluation point system; Wine log. Illustrated with a few drawings and two full-page cartoons. By Robert Frishman & Eileen Frishmana
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