These are first quality capsules identical to the ones used in commercial wineries in Napa Valley. In fact they are the shrink capsules used in Napa Valley. They will shrink to fit all standard 375ml, 750ml, & 1500ml wine bottles. These are a standard size 30x60mm size like commercial winemakers use on their automated equipment for normal wine bottles. Larger, thicker, and better quality than most capsules usually sold for home winemaking or the Russian and Chinese ones that rip or tear in a few weeks. These capsules will fit all standard lip cork or screw top finish wine bottles.
All you do is slip the capsule on and heat. You can read on the web how to hold the capsule in place with a long fork or bent wire while you dip it briefly and carefully for up to 10 seconds into hot water. The capsule will shrink closely to the form of the bottle and look just like the ones from the winery. There is a handy tear tab on these capsules.
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