Saflager W34/70 Weihenstephan lager 34/70 is the single best dry strain for Weihstephaner style Wheat Beers. The most popular lager strain there is. This famous yeast strain from the Weihenstephan institute in Germany is used world-wide within the brewing industry. Saflager W-34/70 allows you to brew beers with a good balance of floral and fruity aromas and gives clean flavors and highly drinkable beers. Very malty and clean, great for all German Lagers, Pilsner, Oktoberfest, and Marzen. The closest liquid equivalents of this yeast are Wyeast 2124 or White Labs WLP 830. Dry yeast stores very well for long periods, and when properly hydrated prior to pitching presents more active cells than liquid equivalents.
You can rehydrate but it works very well simply sprinkled over the surface of the wort for 20 minutes to reconstitute with plenty 02 and then stir it in. One packet is sufficient for 5-6 gallons. Quick ship, you’ll have it right away!
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