Brewers Best ELDERBERRIES 8oz DRIED – For Syrup or Superb Elderberry Wine – Use for blending Enhances Color and Complexity


Try something different today! Here’s an 8oz package of dried elderberries for flavoring homebrew or making wine or syrup. Elderberry is considered by many to be the best non-grape fruit for winemaking.  Small amounts of elderberry wine (3–7%) blended into lesser grape wines often improves both flavor and color considerably.  Sambucus nigra Native to the British Isles, the small dark colored elderberry makes an excellent “port” style wine. The appearance of berries on the bushes is said to have signaled farmers when to sow their wheat. The berries are also reputed to have been used to make one of the first black hair dyes in ancient Greece.

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Elderberries are rich in vitamin C, and contain lots of anthocyanin antioxidants. They are also a good source of vitamins B1, B2 and B6 and contain the anti-inflammatory agents ursolic and oleanolic acids. They have been used for thousands of years as a medicine and are mentioned in most holistic herb guides as helpful.  There are scientific studies that seem to indicate elderberries help cell walls resist viral attack.  There is plenty of information on the internet.

To use, follow your recipe exactly the first time. Most recipes say to pour your hot sugar water over the dried berries and we agree. Because elderberries contain small seeds, you will need a nylon straining bag or fine sieve to pour through when you rack your wine the first time. Some say to ferment in the bag and squeeze daily but that is messy work. Just leave the berries loose and stir at least every day to immerse the cap. When you are ready to rack just pour through the bag into a clean bucket and then squeeze or press the bag that one time. Sometimes I dump the supposedly ‘spent’ berries back in the bucket and make a batch of Welches Frozen Grape Juice wine right on top of the used berries. It already contains plenty of yeast just add in the yeast nutrient. I’ll try to get my versions of these recipes up on our web site for you.

Additional information

Weight 12 oz
Dimensions 9 × 6 × 2 in


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