- Best yeast for the ‘Bigger’ styles. S-33 dry ale yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in 11 gram packets
- Robust fermenting neutral high alcohol tolerant general purpose yeast for a wide range of top fermented beers.
- Particularly recommended for the Trappist styles, Belgian wheat, seasonals, dubbels, tripels, and anything that will be bottle aged.
- Low attenuation gives beers with a very good length on the palate.
- Medium sedimentation forms no clumps. Leaves a powdery haze when resuspended in the beer
Safbrew S-33 is ideal for ales that will be bottle conditioned, ales that improve with bottle aging, and high finish gravity beers. The best choice for Belgian Wheat, Belgian dubbel or tripel, Seasonals, and Trappist style beers. You can rehydrate but it works very well simply sprinkled over the surface of the wort. One packet is sufficient for 5-6 gallons. We ship very quickly and you’ll have it right away!
Safale S-33 is a true top fermenter. It has fermentation properties resembling Wyeast 3787 (Trappist High Gravity) or White Labs WLP500 (Trappist Ale). This yeast produces superb flavor profiles. Sedimentation: Medium Final gravity: High. Also highly recommended for bottle-conditioning of beers. Excellent performance in beers with alcohol contents of up to 7.5% but can ferment up to 11.5%.
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