10LB Weyermann CARAFA SPECIAL TYPE 3 Debittered Dark German Specialty Malt – Uncrushed Similar to Black or Chocolate Malt


Weyermann Carafa Type 3 is a dark-roasted specialty malt made from high-quality spring barley. Its carefully roasted to add an espresso-like bouquet coffee and chocolate flavors and a mild but noticeable roasted aftertaste. It produces opaque beer with coffee-brown color. This German color malt mainly used to adjust color in dunkels and darker German beers.   Adds Dark color and full aroma to beer without harsh flavors.  Also can be used with other roasted malts in stouts.  Available in the 1LB, 10LB and by Special Order in the 55LB.

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SKU: 10LB_CARAFA_TYPE3 Category:


Weyermann CARAFA Type 3 is similar to Chocolate or Black style roasted malts and can be used in any dark lager or ale.  This unique de-husked roasted barley malt adds aroma, color and body with a mild, smooth flavor.   Where malt-based bitterness is not desired consider using Weyermann CARAFA Special Type 3, the de-husked version of CARAFA.  Produces rich color body flavor and aroma without the harsh flavors and astringency typical of dark-colored grains.

    • Grain Type:  Malted, Dark Roasted 2-Row, Unmalted
    • Sensory: intensely roasted aromatic; coffee, cocoa and dark chocolate notes
    • Color:  490-566 Lovibond (1300-1500 EBC)
    • Usage:  5% max Moisture:  3.8% max, Extract (dry): 65%, Diastatic Power:  0 Lintner
    • Product of Germany

Weyermann® began the production of high-quality malts and malt derived products in Bamberg over 140 years ago. Nowadays Weyermann® Specialty Malts is the world market leader in the manufacturing of caramel- and roasting malts with a portfolio of over 90 different products. Weyermann® Specialty Malts influence the colour and taste of more than 60,000 beers in 135 countries on all continents.  The red and yellow Weyermann® logo has become an epitome of excellent malt produced in Germany, for both brewers and beer connoisseurs all over the world.

Additional information

Weight 168 oz
Dimensions 13 × 8 × 8 in













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